We just wanted to get a quick note about a new report that came out yesterday from Flurry Analytics which states that Christmas 2012 was a record day for mobile device activations. In fact, more iOS and Android devices were activated on December 25 than any other day in history.
Flurry, an organization who helps companies “understand how consumers interact with their mobile applications than all other app analytics providers combined,” is able to measure 90% of new device activations via data from more than 260,000 apps using their analytical technology. On Christmas, Flurry recorded more than 17.4 million activations, a 332% increase over the rest of activations in December. Christmas 2012 recorded more than 2.5 times the amount of activations than Christmas 2011.
Flurry also measured other Christmas-related mobile trends including app downloads per hour and a smartphone vs. tablet comparison. This year, there were actually more tablets activated on Christmas than smartphones. The spike in tablets is evident in the following infographic from Twitter users @waxpancake and @axian.

For all those who might have received new smartphones over the holidays, Verizon Wireless offers free wireless workshops at its local corporate stores. These one hour, one-on-one workshops are offered for both Android and iOS devices and are led by data “experts”. On the itinerary: apps, features and functionality of various Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. Verizon Wireless also offers many of the same workshops online. For more information, visit www.verizonwireless.com/workshops.
AT&T and T-Mobile also offer similar workshops throughout the year.